Our Formation House is Bursting with Promise
We have new candidates joining us each year. Our formation house, in an underserved area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is bursting with promise! And, of course, this means we face increases in tuition and living costs—for each man, total expenses are about $55,000 per year.
You are invited to sponsor future Salvatorian brothers and priests (also known as the Society of the Divine Savior) on their journey to formation. You are invited to Adopt an Apostle! Needs include:
- $250 in retreat expenses for one candidate
- $550 for books for one man in formation
- $1,057 for one week’s tuition
Whatever you can contribute is sincerely appreciated! Your investment translates to ministry and mission outreach throughout the country and world.
Support an Apostle
Support a future apostle (seminarian or brother)