You can find us on our social media accounts by clicking the links below.
(You may need to be signed in on your own Facebook page in order to see us with the Facebook link.)

Our Founder - Blessed Francis Jordan:
Videos related to Jordan's Beatification can be found on our YouTube channel.
Father Francis Jordan - His history - From the "Salvatorians Worth Knowing" series - Rome
Father Francis Jordan (Graphic Novel version, published in "Manna" magazine from Sept. 1945 - Mar. 1946)
Blessed Francis Jordan in the USA - 1896 - When our Founder came to Wisconsin
Three of Blessed Francis Jordan's Favorite Symbols
FROM THE PAGES OF SALVATORIAN HISTORY - Articles and Photo Exhibits of Interest
A Virtual Tour of the Salvatorian Archives
Stuff from the Tower -
Treasured Artifacts in Our Archives
2018 Exhibit - "The 100th Anniversary of 1918 -
A Year of Armistice & Anguish"
- Flyer & table panels photo
- I - The St. Nazianz Fire
- II - World War I
- III - The Death of Father Jordan
- IV - Armistice & Spanish Flu
1892 - When Salvatorians
First Came to the USA
Early Photos of St. Nazianz, WI
and the Oschwald Community
The Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Loretto -
St. Nazianz, Wisconsin
Restoration of an Embroidery from the
Oschwald Community of St. Nazianz, WI
The Statue of the Divine Savior
Salvatorian Missions in Assam, India -
1890 - 1915
Salvatorian Missions in Fukien, China -
1922 - 1949
Salvatorian Missions in Macao, China -
1949 - 1954
Salvatorian Missions in Tanzania -
1955 - present
Bishop Arnold Cotey SDS -
The First Salvatorian Bishop in History
The Early Days of Salvatorian Center -
New Holstein, Wisconsin
Br. Aegidius Roeder SDS -
The First Salvatorian Artist-in-Residence
Br. Cosmas Wambach SDS -
A Popular USA Salvatorian Artist
The World War I Photos of Fr. Ralph Fontaine SDS
(Who served as a Chaplain in the German Army)
The Salvatorians and World War II - 1945
(The End of WWII / Five Salvatorian Martyrs /
the Death of Fr. Pancratius Pfeiffer SDS)
1963 - The Quiet Integration That Made History -
St. Joseph's School in Huntsville, Alabama
Spreading the Faith through Family & Children's
Magazines - Part I - "Manna"
Spreading the Faith through Family & Children's
Magazines - Part II - "The Savior's Call"
The Society's Motherhouse in Rome
Fr. Melchior Geser SDS -
The First of Seven Salvatorian Martyrs
Br. Titian Bauer SDS -
Tailor Extraordinaire
Brother Jude's Bell -
The Human Side of Archiving
This Place Used To Be a WHAT ?
(Strange Salvatorian properties)
The Vocation Slides of Br. Maurus Ellery SDS
Salvatorian Seminary -
St. Nazianz, Wisconsin
Divine Savior Seminary -
Lanham, Maryland
Jordan Seminary -
Menominee, Michigan
Mother of the Savior Seminary -
Blackwood, New Jersey
Trinity Prep Seminary -
Sioux City, Iowa
Mount St. Paul College -
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Sunset Ranch - Blackwood, NJ
(Pre-dates Mother of the Savior Seminary)
"The Villa" at Camp St. Michael
The Salvatorian Passion Plays
and the Gospel of Matthew
(A Reflection for the seasons of Lent and Easter)
When Pennies Made a Difference -
Salvatorian Christmas Seals
The Priest - by Fr. Winfrid Herbst SDS /
illustrated by Br. Aegidius Roeder SDS
Other Salvatorian articles and resources
To read more about our community's history and charism,
see the Resources section of our Salvatorian Family website:


❖ Eucharistic Whisperings
The Eight-Volume Series (digital)
The following videos (no longer for sale) are available to view on our YouTube channel:
❖ Memories of St. Nazianz -
Salvatorian Seminary - Part 1
❖ Memories of St. Nazianz -
Salvatorian Seminary - Part 2
❖ Memories of Blackwood -
Mother of the Savior Seminary - Part 1
❖ Memories of Blackwood -
Mother of the Savior Seminary - Part 2
❖ Memories of Lanham -
Divine Savior Seminary
❖ The Passion of the Savior
Using photos from the annual Passion Plays of SDS schools.
Take a look at all our videos on our YouTube channel.
Available for Download
Alphabetical Listing
of the Deceased Members
of the USA Province
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Artwork / SDS China Missions -
Fukien District (1922 - 1949)
Original works from the 1940's.

PROCLAMATION (upper left)
Water-color by Li Tian Duo
NATIVITY (lower left)
Oil-on-silk by unknown artist
HOLY FAMILY (upper right)
Water-color by Li Tian Duo
MADONNA & CHILD (lower right)
Water-color by Li Tian Duo
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Artwork / SDS India Missions -
Assam District (1890-1915)
Original works (dates unknown) using tempera paint on rubber tree leaves.

CHRIST (upper left)
CHRIST (upper right)
MADONNA & CHILD (lower left)
MADONNA & CHILD (lower right)
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Artwork / SDS Tanzania Missions
(1955 - present)
Oil-on-canvas works from 1993.