Support Salvatorian Sunday
We invite you to be a part of our mission and ministry through your prayers and support. We are a small but vibrant religious Order. Our ministry approach is unique. We are not running large institutions, we encourage our members to serve where they feel called to serve. You will find our men serving on college campuses, high schools, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, in social justice ministries and those little nooks and crannies of the world.
We walk humbly alongside those we serve. We serve as an extension of the Lord's hand, helping people to know Christ by our example of acceptance, non judgment and sharing of the Gospel.
Salvatorian Sunday weekend events around the country provide us with the opportunity to share more of our story. Our founder, Fr. Francis Jordan vision remains steadfast to our daily mission: “Make Jesus Known Through All Ways and Means That the Love of Christ Inspires.”
Please join us in our ministry with your support.
Support Salvatorian Sunday
Please join us in our ministry with your support.