Moving forward in faith
Many religious communities in the United States are facing the realities of diminishing numbers, fewer vocations, and aging membership. While examining our own challenges with a sense of humility and honesty, the Salvatorian Province, however, is looking to the future and exploring ways forward that will ensure the vitality of our community and our various ministries.
This past June, a Provincial Synod culminated a yearlong process of discernment, discussion, and input, reflecting not only on the needs of our province, but also celebrating the broader Salvatorian Family and international membership. This Provincial Synod is an important milestone in the ongoing process of planning, and our Salvatorian priests and brothers are hopeful. As we move forward in faith, we know we have a future.
Bl. Francis Jordan, always demonstrated even greater trust in Divine Providence and hope for the future of the community and its mission to make God’s goodness and kindness known to all people,” said Fr. Jeff Wocken, USA Province Provincial. “When we gathered in the Provincial Synod, we faced the uncertainties and challenges of the future with the same faith, hope and determination, and called upon the Holy Spirit for guidance.”
The work continues. Your prayers and support of our priests and brothers will help make these dreams possible for the Society.
Photo above: Fr. Milton Zonta, SDS, provincial superior joined members of the USA Province during the Synod via Zoom.
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