

"Mother of the Savior Seminary" (Scenes from the video "Mother of the Savior Seminary" Part I - see below)


"The Seminary Campus" (Scenes from the video "Mother of the Savior Seminary" Part II - see below)


"These Twenty-Two Years" (A commemorative booklet published in 1967, the final year of the seminary.)

- Check out the following "Blackwood Videos" (below) from the Salvatorian Archives' YouTube Channel
or CLICK on the YouTube button to go to our Channel.


"Blackwood 1967 - The Passion of the Savior"
     - The full-length production of the Passion Play as performed for the final season

"Memories of Blackwood - Mother of the Savior Seminary" - Part I
     - A journey through a typical school-year in the life of the many seminarians who lived at the school.

"Memories of Blackwood - Mother of the Savior Seminary" - Part II
     - A tour of the buildings and grounds and the changes that took place over the years.



AND - If you want to go back even further - to the early 1940's - the property was once home to "Sunset Ranch," a family-run farm with large exotic animals and a museum of many more taxidermied animals. The locals referred to it as "The Buffalo Farm." Families would bring their children to see the animals and picnic on the property. Here is the link to the article about "Sunset Ranch"

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